How To Lose Fat Without Losing Lots Of Muscle

Posted on: 24 September 2015

If you want to lose weight, then make sure you're not also losing too much muscle. If you diet improperly, then the odds are you will starve your body and not get the results you want. You might end up with the same percentage of body fat as you currently have. 

The ideal situation is to follow a routine that will help you shed the fat while keeping some muscle. Here are a few things you should that will prevent you from ending up "skinny fat".

Eat More Vegetables

If you simply stop eating or crash diet, your body will resort to using muscle for energy. A better method is to slowly lose weight. So, instead of simply starving yourself, eat foods that are full of fiber and will fill you up. You will still have enough calories to maintain a healthy body, but will cut excess calories. This will lead to slow and steady fat loss. The best foods for this purpose are vegetables. They are low in calories and full of fiber.

Add More Cardio To Your Daily Routine

Another way to lose fat is to burn off excess calories. Many people don't have the time to hit the gym every day. There is an alternative, though. Add cardio to your everyday activities by taking the stairs, instead of the elevator. Walk to the supermarket instead of driving. If you have a bike, then consider riding it to work instead of taking the bus or your car. All of these things will burn off calories.

Hit The Weight Room

A vital part of your routine should be weight training. Lifting weight is not only good for building muscle; it is great for losing fat. Lifting weight burns calories even after you're done working out. One study found women who lifted heavy weights burned calories even after they were finished their regular cardio session.

See An Expert For A Meal Plan

Finally, it would be an excellent idea to see a physician to help you develop a specialized meal plan (such as one from Figure Weight Loss). These plans will be tailored exactly to your specific needs. They would be superior to the generic meal plans you might find online or in a book. The doctor would be able to gauge your current body fat percentage, resting metabolic rate, and other factors that would help tailor a menu for your personal needs. This way you could get the exact amount of protein necessary to maintain muscle and aid in fat loss.
